
The compliance API provides access to compliance policies, rules, and violation information.

Compliance Service Methods


Get the compliance ruleset for the given ID


Parameter Type Description
ruleSetId Integer The ID of the desired RuleSet object

Return: the RuleSet object or null


Get the list of policies in a given managed networks.


Parameter Type Description
network String The managed network

Return: an array of PolicyInfo objects


Get the policy definition by ID.


Parameter Type Description
policyId Integer The ID of the desired policy

Return: a Policy object or null


Get the list of current violations for a given device.


Parameter Type Description
network String The managed network of the device
ipAddress String The IP address of the device

Return: an array of Violation objects


Get the list of current violations for a given policy.


Parameter Type Description
policyId Integer The ID of the desired violations policy

Return: an array of Violation objects

Compliance Objects


Field Type Description
ruleSetId Integer The rule set ID
ruleSetName String The name of the rule set
adapterId String The Adapter ID of the device
configPath String The device configuration this rule applies to
ruleSetXml String The rule set definition
networks Array An array of managed networks this rule set is available for
readOnly Boolean A boolean flag indicating whether or not this rule set is editable


Field Type Description
policyId Integer The policy’s ID
policyName String The name of the policy
network String The managed network the policy is in
enabled Boolean A boolean flag indicating whether or not this policy is enabled
coveredDevice Integer The number of devices covered by this policy
violatingDevices Integer The number of devices in violation of this policy


Field Type Description
policyId Integer The policy’s ID
policyName String The name of the policy
network String The managed network the policy is in
adapterId String The Adapter ID of the device
configPath String The device configuration this policy applies to
resolutionScheme String A single scheme name or comma-separated list of scheme names
resolutionData String The query associated with the scheme(s) specified


Field Type Description
policyId Integer The ID of the Policy in violation
ruleSetId Integer The ID of the RuleSet in violation
ipAddress String The IP Address of the device in violation
network String The managed network of the device in violation
message String The violation message
severity Integer The violation severity. 1 for WARNING, 2 for ERROR